
Charting the Map to Your Heart

I ripped open the box like a kid tearing through their presents on Christmas morning. As I peeled back the cardboard, I gasped in delight. Running my hand across the cover I felt tears puddle in my eyes.

The book opened with a crack, and that fresh-from-the-printer smell whooshed across my face. I flipped through the table of contents and lingered on the first few paragraphs of the introduction. I knew the words by heart, but seeing it bound hit differently. 

By the time I found the acknowledgements, tears were sliding down my cheeks. With my hand pressed against my heart, I read the words out loud: 

"Wondrous You" Wins Silver Medal in Moonbeam Children's Book Award

I'm so excited to share the news that my debut book released last year has just won its first award.

Wondrous You earned the Silver Medal for children's poetry in the 2021 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards!

The purpose of the Moonbeam Awards is to highlight books that encourage children to be generous, compassionate, and to stand up for the rights of themselves and others. Over 1500 books from both traditional and indie publishers were submitted.